Sample End
User Software Maintenance Agreement
No. EUSMA-0004
by and between
Bitplane AG, Technoparkstrasse 1, CH-8005 Zürich,
Switzerland ("BITPLANE")
Sample Inc.,
MUT-881.327, 1110222 Sampletown ("USER")
- USER intends to
keep BITPLANE software license(s) of up to date
- USER intends to take advantage of
BITPLANE’s software services with regard to technical advice and application
support to improve performance
- BITPLANE intends
to make the latest product versions available to USER
- BITPLANE intends
to promote the use of its products to the best of their performance
- BITPLANE wishes
to fully satisfy the needs of USER with respect to its products
Therefore BITPLANE and USER agree on the
BITPLANE provides technical assistance and application
support with respect to PRODUCT as defined in the following sections. BITPLANE
will provide new versions for the installed software (UPDATES) at no extra charge.
During maintenance USER will receive, Free Of Charge, any updates released BUT
these carry no maintenance beyond the expiration of this agreement. BITPLANE
releases at least one update per year.
Failure To Deliver Update
no update becomes available in the timeframe of one year after the contract
commencement date (Section 5) then Customer will receive a free update when
it is. One day after successful delivery of the delayed update the first year
of the maintenance period is considered terminated. For maintenance contracts
that last longer than one year the 2nd year starts at that date which prolongs
the contract respectively for the product/module concerned.
no update can be delivered because the product is discontinued BITPLANE offers
a Free Of Charge upgrade to another software of similar functionality. It is
at BITPLANE's sole discretion to evaluate and select upgrade products.
no upgrade products are suitable to substitute for the discontinued product
BITPLANE credits USER for the full maintenance amount paid for that particular
product. The credit can be used to buy another BITPLANE software module or maintenance.
Operating System
USER keeps the operating system
of the computer on which the products are installed current. New versions of
our products may require features that are available only with the latest operating
system. Such versions cannot be made available for older operating systems.
The fact that a particular update is
not available for the operating system version installed by USER does not qualify
for receiving an upgrade or a credit (ref. 1)
Software Licenses Subject To This
Agreement (PRODUCT)
Imaris license No. 123, NeuronTracer
License No. 134, DepthAnalysis license No. 135, Colocalization license No. 146,
Selima License No. 178
Term of Agreement
This agreement starts on MAY 1, 1999
and terminates on DECEMBER 31, 2000 (DURATION).
Maintenance Fee and Payment Terms
The maintenance fee for PRODUCT and
DURATION is 99'999.00 CUR. USER agrees to pay this fee within 30 days following
USER's signature of this agreement.
License Service
BITPLANE replaces lost of damaged licenses.
Replacement licenses are supplied by E-mail (preferred), made available for
"ftp download" on "", or shipped on 3.5" Windows (FAT) formatted
floppy disks.
Bitplane keeps a backup copy of all
licenses on behalf of USER.
Re-License Service
BITPLANE can provide replacement, node-locked,
licences if USER wishes to transfer the Bitplane software installation to a
new workstation. User will be required to sign an "End User Re-Licensing Agreement"
which will be provided upon request
Telephone Support
USER has direct access to BITPLANE’s
service helpline at no charge, other than the ordinary telephone connection
cost. BITPLANE will make its best endeavour to return the call within 24 hours
and take appropriate action to address the support issue.
Bitplane reserves the right to implement
an additional charge for support calls should the volume be deemed excessive.
It is Bitplane’s responsibility to communicate to USER any such intent prior
to its implementation
BITPLANE may choose to respond by E-mail
when either the volume or the type of information requested seems inappropriate
for telephone conversation.
E-mail Support
The E-mail Support address for your
territory can be found at our home page (http// under the "contacts"
BITPLANE will make its best endeavour
to respond to requests within 24 hours and take appropriate action thereafter.
Internet Support
BITPLANE maintains
a set of support pages that are reserved for customers within warranty or under
maintenance. These pages offer a download section from which PRODUCT can be
downloaded and installed by USER. USER receives a personal access code to these
pages consisting of a user name and a corresponding password.
Free Admission to User Group Meetings
BITPLANE intends
to organise an annual UGM in your territory to which you will receive free admission.
Download Area For Software Updates
New versions of PRODUCT (UPDATES) will
be made available to USER as they are released. BITPLANE intends to send UPDATES
to USER, on a suitable medium, at least once per year or when available. Intermediate
releases will be made available for download fromthe BITPLANE support web page.
New versions of PRODUCT are made available to USER at no extra charge.
Point of Contact For Your Support Matters
BITPLANE supports USER for all questions
related to its software products. BITPLANE assists USER with problems related
to the installed hardware from Silicon Graphics, Inc (SGI). In the case of hardware
failure BITPLANE is able to establish communication between an SGI support centre
and USER and keep track of the status of the support actions take by SGI.
Price Information on Contract Continuation
BITPLANE will inform USER about the
terms and price of the continuation of this agreement 6 month before its termination.
Miscellaneous Items Changes and
amendments to this agreement can only be made in writing. If any of the paragraphs
becomes void the rest of the agreement is not affected. The place of jurisdiction
is Zurich, Switzerland.