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Generate a Geometric Object From a Volume Image

To generate a geometric object from a volume image, ImarisSurpass uses an operator-specified intensity threshold to distinguish between background voxels (volume elements) and object voxels. A triangulated surface is then rendered from the image voxels.

Once the image has been converted into a geometric object, it yields an expanded range of data-rich possibilities. With the click of a mouse, objects can be measured for surface area, volume and location. The quality of the geometric representation can be compared to the original volume image by displaying surface and volume images simultaneously.

Precise 3D distance and light intensity measurements of ImarisSurpass objects are enabled with Imaris® MeasurementPro. With MeasurementPro you can:

• Attach measurement points anywhere within a 3D image

• Easily calculate voxel intensity data such as integral, standard deviation, and the center of mass

• Construct and measure complex 3D objects from 2D contours

• Automatically save measurements to a spread sheet file

Using the SurpassTopo module topographic surfaces (2.5D data) can also be visualized using a 3D representation. SurpassTopo reads data from atomic force microscopes, and other scanning probe microscopes, interpreting the gray values as height attributes.

View screen shots explaining ImarisSurpass features.

Learn more about Imaris MeasurementPro.

View screen shots explaining SurpassTopo features.

Cornea and lens rendered as a geometric object.
A human cornea and lens shown using the IsoSurface feature of ImarisSurpass. Cornea: orange, lens: transparent light blue, cataracts: white. Image courtesy of Dr. Barry Masters

View screen shots explaining ImarisSurpass features.

Learn more about Imaris MeasurementPro.

View screen shots explaining SurpassTopo features.