IN HER TONGUE IS THE LAW OF KINDNESS In grace and truth she talked with him bestowing a precious gift Conversation so freely given bridged the anxious rift She replied to him with courage reached out with understanding By offering time and knowledge her goal was honest sharing Good words can help so much by telling of God's grace By kind speech a heart is touched a warm voice is an embrace He was thankful for her kindness such a gentle fellowship She shed light into his darkness and took the hand of friendship With words uplifting and true she shared her spirit's quest Her love for the Lord shone through and in hearing, he was blessed Good words can help so much by telling of God's grace By kind speech a heart is touched a warm voice is an embrace _____________________________________ C. Kevin Jackson copyright 2/9/96 GONE TOO SOON -Ode to Chris Farley- like a cannonball fired from a gun you threw yourself through life you had hard lessons for everyone wielding your wit like a sharpened knife a larger man was seldom seen nor a bolder, bigger heart as you took over the TV screen and turned life pathos into art your characters spoke so clearly but some of us saw through the joke and in honor of your memory might take one less drink or toke now, all too soon your time is up was this world too much for you? did you drink too deeply from the cup drowning a pain that no one knew? you touched so many, 'Tommy Boy' the obese and otherwise ugly your antics gave us times of bliss making our lives less dreary no fans foresaw your sudden end but your message was delivered perhaps we'll see you soon, dear friend ...."in a van down by the river" _____________________________________ C. Kevin Jackson copyright 12/31/97 REACHED you're the only one with vision to see the woman who knows the touch you know what life has done to me with eyes that see so much awake, in dreams, and in other ways i feel your gentle fingers i thought i'd finish out my days without the touch that lingers you bravely share a wounded heart you give yourself and heal the wrong you elevate kindness to a wondrous art your compassion becomes my song you bring your past into these times pulling us both from an empty place you see the connections; the subtle rhymes your laughter lights up my face you make me forget the reasons to cry with your hands and lips and voice you lift my eyes to a cloudless sky inviting a willing choice you tenderly reach me as a friend and our inner selves still touch now i wish for a bond that will never end tasting You, i cannot have too much _____________________________________ C. Kevin JacksonKev11sky@aol.comBOPPSONG Bright and distant in morning skies Not seen before; now you appear Your warm white light now draws our eyes You offer comfort; you bring no fear Cold is the world in these lonely hours In darkness so quiet, in a setting serene On the stage of Night you take your bows Bringing a mystery; invoking a dream "A cloud of rocks and dust", they say A simple "astronomical event" An object lit up by Sol's distant rays Yet in our minds you cause such ferment Some people claim you bring portents of gloom With disaster and death in your fiery wake They say that you speak of imminent doom But in seeing your beauty our minds come awake Perhaps to some you are more than a comet You symbolize something that's missing inside A memory, a promise, the echo of a sonnet; A mystery, a glory, or a rock "deified" Heavenly image, you stir our spirits to life Yet in our visions we must hear a warning Though you offer relief from this world's strife You will soon depart, and leave us in mourning These few months we can see you -- a celestial Unknown like a god-hero returning, you seem so sublime Somehow your bright warmth makes us feel less alone returning to Man after centuries of time Hale-Bopp, we view you -- ruling over the Night glowing so bright, with your long flowing tail In your portents we imagine our World made right a future so wondrous, full of hope without fail _____________________________________ C. Kevin Jackson